Ken brought us his newly acquired VW Beetle in for some initial testing. Its a fully prepped Drag Racer and he intends to get it down to Mission Raceway ASAP!
We we’re having some fueling issues that are going to need addressing but we did get a couple of clean pulls from 4000RPM+. More to come soon….
“High Tech Volks Drag Bug , built in late 70’s early 80’s and restored by Blair Duffy in medicine hat Alberta Canada.
Original paint and sign writing but new everything else. 2332cc engine with super flow heads ported by brothers machine shop, 51mm carbs , wiseco pistons, beefed up transmission , msd , wide band new roll cage ,seats, gauges, wiring, line lock , etc
its doing 12 second quarters with lots of wheel spins in 1st and 2nd”